Project Portfolio


Caterpillar, Inc.

Caterpillar, Inc. Restoration is one of our strengths at McGuire Contractors, Inc.  Working with existing structures is also.  When Caterpillar needed us to restore a ninety foot high wall while the building was still in use, we relied on our strengths to complete the project. [fancygallery id=”5″ album=”17″]

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LAS Investments

LAS Investments

LAS Investments When adaptive reuse of this 100-plus year old building was being designed, it was clear that the construction needed to handled by a team of professionals that are not only detailed-oriented but also understand the importance of restoration.  This project included not only an upper floor high end residential unit, but also first

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Pet Partners

Pet Partners Animal Clinic Pet Partners Animal Clinic is a full-service veterinary clinic ready to address all aspects of your pet’s well being. They provide preventative care including: wellness exams and needed vaccinations, nutritional counseling, in-clinic pharmacy, and surgery and dental care.  When they decided build an office in a new tenant building, they awarded the

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